Manage and comply you organisations’s healthcare needs by one of the best acquainted teams
Complete management of health centres and dispensaries with skilled clinical manpower including industrial health Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics
Periodic Medical Examinations on site reducing absenteism and detecting necessary interventions to increase employee's efficiency
Fully equipped Basic and Advanced Cardiac Ambulances with trained paramedics on board for transporting critically ill patients under safest conditions
Medical teams experienced and experts in handling onsite healthcare issues faced by white collars, blue collars and others working in varied conditions.
Clinical processes based on Evidence Based Medicine to deliver guideline driven medical care in emergencies as well as chronic diseases
Latest equipment, tools and infrastructure including ALS, BLS Ambulances with trained paramedic on board.
Online live dashboard for employee health
managed by team of occupational healthcare managers
managing workforce health, records, supporting management interventions as well as compliances and audits